Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Dane has been sleeping through the night now long enough that I don't think posting it will jinx us. He's been sleeping in his room three weeks now and we've been working to get him into a bedtime routine for about as long. This is how our night goes:

7:00 - story
7:10 - bath, pajamas
7:35 - feeding
7:50 - prayer
8:00 - bed

We used to take turns reading him a story right before bed, sometimes with his feeding. Only Dane wasn't getting drowsy at all. He gets so wrapped up in story time he will fixate on the pages or our faces as we read to him, and does not get sleepy! It actually took us a while to realize this only makes him alert. He gets his story earlier now and goes down great. He sleeps until 7am, eats and goes back down until 9. At 4 months, most babies wake again during the night due to new brain developments and a growth spurt... We aren't looking forward to that.

1 comment:

Dane's cousin said...

he's so cute! i'll say 4 now dane and cole r equally cute love'