The couple of days leading up to a growth spurt are nasty in the Howard House. Dane can be a little grouch! He's fussy and bored - not satisfied with the jumperoo, the swing, tummy time, the bouncer, the bumbo, books, toys or tv. He's also restless. He wants to be held but wiggles incessantly! When the growth spurt hits, he eats on average every 3 hours AND wakes up during the night demanding to eat (usually just once).
Of course, we want Dane to grow and understand this is a normal part of the process. The growth spurt is just fine, its the pre-growth spurt that's a pain. When Dane begins "his cycle", we call it PGS, his pre-growth spurt. And he could take on any hormonal teenage girl out there!
Speaking of growth, Dane is 15 weeks old today. Here's a picture of him at 1 week old and one of him today.

1 comment:
Good Lord,he is his daddy made over in this department! Danny did the same thing for about the first year to eighteen months.I can tell you two things that worked very well to soothe him,and settle him down.Danny was fascinated by the sound of running water.Especially the shower.I found this out completely by accident one day when he was about two months old.I carried "fussy" into the bathroom with me to bring his dad,(Bobby)a towel.He was showering and had forgotten to get one out of the linen closet in the hallway.As soon as danny heard the running water(up close),he stopped crying,relaxed,and layed his head against me. He was asleep in just a few minutes.I was astounded.From that point on,if all else failed,(feeding,burping,diaper change,etc.),I would carry him into the bathroom and turn on the shower.It took just a minute or less,and he would relax and calm right down, or go to sleep.It also allowed me to take more than a 3 minute shower when I brought him into the bathroom and strapped him in his bouncy seat.He would just sit there and coo(or sleep) while I enjoyed a "real" shower.
The other thing that worked fantastically, was to give him a warm bath,then massage cocoa butter lotion into his arms and legs.I thought that his little muscles might be aching from the growth spurts.I would follow this up by dressing him in light weight cotton socks,a cotton t-shirt and a one piece outfit with the feet in it.This held his body heat in without making him too warm.It must have had a soothing effect,and possibly eased his aching muscles,because he would be so content.And that would allow me to be content, which was a wonderful thing!
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