Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Dane's weekend was full of action. Not eventful, but action-packed. Friday morning he woke up EARLY and ready to play. He rolled over for the first time. And the second time. And the third. He is now a professional roller-overer. He woke up early every morning and frequently every night. He was loud and mobile and a bad sleeper all weekend. To the point where if it was your kid, we would think it was obnoxious. But on Dane it was adorable.

The highlight of Dane's weekend, I am sure, was Saturday night. Dane got to spend some time with his pal Cole and Aunt Jenny while we went out on our first baby-free bona fide date in over 4 months. Dinner and a movie without having to change a diaper, nurse, rinse a passy, put a sock back on for the 48th time, etc. We were very much overdue for a night out and we had a great time. Dane played nicely and went down to bed easy. Hey Jen, want to come put Dane down every night?

On a side note, we and Dane would like to wish his Bobby Pops and Granny K a very happy anniversary. Congratulations on another happy year together! We wish you many more.

(Can you believe this is the most recent picture we have of you both and Dane?! Shame on us all.)

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