So when Dane makes his way over to the kitchen gate, he isn't shy to let me know he'd rather be in there helping me cook. A problem many moms have faced, no doubt. One mom in particular has given me some insight into a fix. I've heard stories of her doing this with her son, Danny. Yes, Dane has certainly inherited his activeness from his Daddy, and so who better to get tips from than the mom who dealt with Dane, Senior?!
Here's vet mom, Cindy's lesson. He wants to help out in the kitchen? Let him! She used to give Danny common kitchen items to play with on the floor out of the way to entertain him while keeping an eye on him, long enough to get things done. So Dane will sit down with a bowl, a spoon, tupperware, a silicone spatula, a rolling pin, and the like. The new "toys" are always a hit, promising several minutes of fun. He's close to Mommy, happy and safe while she gets things done. Everybody wins!
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