Friday, May 29, 2009
Picture of the Week
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Lesson from a Vet
It's no secret that Dane is a very active child; he needs to be doing something at all times. He is also at the age where separation anxiety begins to rear its ugly head. This means Mommy has to be in sight at all times or Dane must be engaged in a non-destructive activity long enough to do dishes, laundry, cook, etc. Sometimes it's easier to have him right there with me so that I can ensure Dane is not ripping the dogs' hair out, climbing the bookcase, tearing the blinds apart, banging on our television screen, searching for electrical sockets to shove things into, and so on.

Wait a minute! You don't think Dane's early exposure to kitchen things will cause him to lick knives as a kid like Danny, do you?!
So when Dane makes his way over to the kitchen gate, he isn't shy to let me know he'd rather be in there helping me cook. A problem many moms have faced, no doubt. One mom in particular has given me some insight into a fix. I've heard stories of her doing this with her son, Danny. Yes, Dane has certainly inherited his activeness from his Daddy, and so who better to get tips from than the mom who dealt with Dane, Senior?!
Here's vet mom, Cindy's lesson. He wants to help out in the kitchen? Let him! She used to give Danny common kitchen items to play with on the floor out of the way to entertain him while keeping an eye on him, long enough to get things done. So Dane will sit down with a bowl, a spoon, tupperware, a silicone spatula, a rolling pin, and the like. The new "toys" are always a hit, promising several minutes of fun. He's close to Mommy, happy and safe while she gets things done. Everybody wins!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Weekend Wrap-Up
We had a terrific weekend, despite all the rain!!! Danny and Dane got some great together time, while Jackie had some great "me time". Dane banged his mouth on the coffee table due to a dancing misstep, and we discovered he popped his third tooth. We were lazy, ran errands, and barbecued (garagecued?) with the Howard family in celebration of Memorial Day and Karen's birthday. Dane feasted on ribs, watermelon, chicken, and fruit salad. It's really entertaining how amazed people are by how much he eats. He put on a show of waving, clapping and he even walked a little for a special few. He was super excited, and loud, and hyper when we got home and we kept him up a while worried that he would not sleep all night. But he went down without a problem. 
Hanging on to that rib bone!
Dane's GrannyK's birthday is today! And although she is sweet enough to have, she was wise enough to NOT have shared her chocolate cake with Dane. Happy Birthday GrannyK!
weekend wrap-up
Friday, May 22, 2009
Picture of the Week
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy Anniversary
to us.

Today is our four year wedding anniversary. Usually we try to keep the blog all about Dane. That means that Jackie's recent jury duty didn't make it on here. Nor Danny's official hire at work. But another happy year of marriage absolutely matters for a couple's child. We hope to show Dane what it means to be married and what it means to love through example in our long and joyful life together. Four years after tying the knot, I'd say we're doing a pretty good job.
So thanks for all the cards and well wishes on this special day. And thanks especially for the support throughout the past four years. Happy Anniversary to us.

And they're living happily ever after.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
We Don't Got It (The Right Stuff)
It was bound to happen sooner or later: Dane has broken his first compact disc. But I suppose that if there was a cd to break, Hangin' Tough might be the one. It appears that Dane wants to be the only New Kid on the Block. 
And that it's time to move the cds.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It gets to be a challenge to find things to feed Dane everyday. By even the strictest standards he isn't a picky eater, but I want to make sure we are feeding him nutritious and healthy foods. Some of Dane's favorite breakfasts include yogurt or cottage cheese and a little fruit with a waffle, toast or a bagel. Thrown in the rotation is an occasional cereal bar. I cut it up into pieces, stick Dane in his high chair and unload the dishwasher, take out the trash, pay a bill, put in some laundry, or whatever miscellaneous tasks need immediate accomplishing. I glance at Dane, always hands in mouth eating happily, every couple minutes to make sure he is all right. When he is finished he calls for me and I come back to this problem:

Now if you're paying attention, you noticed that Dane is pictured in two different outfits. This is because I have forgotten the cereal bar mess on several separate occasions. So many in fact, that I had to come up with this solution:
Problem solved.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dane has been walking now for 13 days. He is 10 and 1/2 months old and this video was taken minutes ago. A few people have seen Dane take up to 3 steps and now YOU ALL CAN! We are so proud of our big boy.
Picture of the Week
While Jackie was enjoying her coffee one morning this week, Dane was enjoying his freedom. She noticed that the same song had been playing on one toy or another for quite some time. Finding it unusual, she looked up from her distractions to find Dane sitting on his ride along toy. Only she had not put him there! She made a mad dash for the camera and snapped a pic. This is Dane, self-mounted on his "car".
Dane's clubhouse (mentioned in the previous post) can be seen in the background.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Riding in Style
Dane recently got his new car seat. He's so big! He likes it pretty well, but we miss the convenience of the bucket. He got acquainted with the seat while it was in the house, uninstalled. He spent days climbing in it and now the box it came in is his own personal fort. This is Dane's first time in his brand new big boy seat. Now our little guy is riding in style!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Taking it All in Stride
Yep. Dane walks! He took his first steps on his ten month birthday and a select few have witnessed the elusive steps. Each time he braves a few small steps, it looks like the first time! He doesn't at all seem to be afraid of falling; he is just not interested in mastering the art walking. He may look like baby Bambi trying to walk, but we couldn't be more proud of him. And as we are constantly reminded by all who see him, RUNNING is next!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day Wrap-Up
Our weekend was spent, in large part, celebrating Mother's Day. We surprised Granny K at work on Friday with flowers and a lunch trip. Saturday we met Nana for dinner and gave her a lovely picture frame. Sunday we celebrated Jackie and her first Mother's Day, and that evening we were able to spend time with Dane's Great-Grandma. We are still tired here, so I'm not writing much more, but I think you're in it for the pictures anyway. =)
Without further ado, Dane and his "mothers".

Without further ado, Dane and his "mothers".
Friday, May 8, 2009
Picture of the [Happy Mother's] Week
So thanks for ruining my life, Dane. And making every day a happy mother's day.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Happy Mother's Week - Day 4
Because one day just isn't enough!
What My Mother Taught Me About…
- ANTICIPATION - “Just wait until your father gets home!”
- MEETING A CHALLENGE - “What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you. Don’t talk back to me!”
- LOGIC - “Because I said so. That’s why.”
- MEDICAL SCIENCE - “Keep doing that and your face will freeze that way!”
- THINKING AHEAD - “If you don’t pass your spelling test, you’ll never get a good job.”
- GENETICS - “You’re just like your father.”
- FORESIGHT - “Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you’re in an accident.”
- OSMOSIS - “Shut your mouth and eat your dinner.”
- HYPOCRISY - “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times. Don’t exaggerate!”
- ESP - “Put your sweater on. Don’t you think I know when you’re cold?”
- THE CIRCLE OF LIFE - “I brought you into this world and I can take you out.”
- JUSTICE - “One day you’ll have kids. And I hope they turn out just like you. Then you’ll know what I’m talking about.”
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Mother's Week - Day 3
Because one day just isn't enough!
If you haven't heard of Anita Renfroe, you are in for a treat. She is a Christian wife/mom/comedian and she is fabulous! This is her most popular bit, The Mom Song. Mrs. Renfroe has taken all of the things a mom can be heard saying in any particular 24 hour period, and condensed it into a 3 minute song to the tune of the William Tell Overture. There are hundreds of versions to be found, but hers is the original. I have gone ahead and added a link for second rendition, because I think being able to read the lyrics makes it even better.
Anita Renfroe's The Mom Song:
Northland Church's Version (with lyrics):
Happy Mother's Week - Day 2
Because one day just isn't enough!
As part of the Mother's Day celebration at our church, our pastor's wife will be preaching and she plans to open with some jokes about motherhood. On her blog this week, she asked moms to write in and finish this line: "You know you're a mom when...". The first 6 below are Jackie's submissions, and the rest are some of my favorite finishings.
You know you're a mom when:
- You can identify any toy aisles over in a store based solely on song and sound quality.
- Clipping coupons counts as “me time”.
- No one but you understands the absolute need for your son’s and husband’s outfits to match.
- You look forward all day to your favorite PBS kids program.
- Showers are the new baths, and baby wipe rub-downs are the new showers.
- Your job is laughingly referred to as “staying at home” while you take on full responsibility for all functions, events, appointments, meetings, errands, and occasions as well as being the “home maker”.
- Your goal is not only to make friends but passionate disciples who follow Jesus whatever the cost.
- You wish that the baby monitor had a snooze button.
- Your perfume is "O de Pancake Syrup".
- When your days start at 6:15 a.m. and ends at 11:45pm.
- You open your mouth and your mother comes out.
- When your 2 year old friends call you "hey/bye, Kendal's mom!" or "Kendal's mom, I've got to go potty!".
- You arrange your long distance travel time around nap time!
- People ask you what you do for a living - and your response is " pediatric logistics specialist".
- You refer to ANY of your sweatpants as your "nice" sweatpants.
- You know that corn, lima beans, and raisins all come out whole.
- You know what I mean by "come out whole."
- You are fluent in Babble and Wild Hand Gestures.
- You recount your day's events in terms of what cup of coffee you were on.
- You know you're a mom when you realize you've developed super-human senses. You grow EYES in the back of your head, you can SMELL a dirty diaper from a mile away, you can HEAR even the softest whimper in a house full of noise, you can sense even the slightest fever with the TOUCH of your human thermometer hand, and you can now bear the TASTE of any food without flinching ("see...mommy likes it!"). In addition, mom's develop the mystical "sixth sense," meaning we can sense trouble or danger through our "GUT FEELING." I guess SuperMom is real, after all.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Happy Mother's Week - Day 1
Because one day just isn't enough!
We got this in an email a while back from one Bobby Howard (Danny's dad). It rang as true for us and it is hilarious. The end is the best part because that frequently happens in our house!
Please enjoy "Why Babies Need Mothers".
And here's a picture from our baby shower (almost a year ago!) of Danny and his New Daddy Diaper Duty Kit. He's pictured sporting a hat with a bill-hanging air freshener, rubber gloves, and an air mask. Fun times.

Friday, May 1, 2009
Picture of the Week
Isn't he the handsome explorer?
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