Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Progress Report

Today went splendidly in potty training world. Only one accident today because we haven't much had the opportunity to learn poop yet. But we were thrilled that we did manage to get one poop in the potty! First time for that, and we are so proud!
We went and got a second pack of big man underwear, so our collection now includes Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Club. We also got some Pull Ups for while we're out and about. As of now, DT is still in a diaper while sleeping. Pretty soon, we'll have to pick up even more pee pee treats, because Dane is sure going through them!
He still mostly whines when he has to pee, and I'll ask him if he needs to go potty and he runs to it. He'll occasionally sign for it. But he's getting the concept down for sure!

This is without question the most intense pride we have experienced with our little guy so far. We're lucky and thankful that it's been smooth sailing so far. =)

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