Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hey, Meet K & Jay

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Happy Birthday, ME!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Easter 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010
Don't Call It A Comeback
Friday, March 5, 2010
Picture of the Week
Thursday, February 25, 2010
When No News is Good News
We didn’t update on DT’s potty training yesterday because there was nothing new to say. He is doing marvelously, and has still only had the one accident. Today he undressed, sat on, and pooped in the potty ALL ON HIS OWN. Very unexpected and very pleasing! We’re making serious progress here, and I think aside from an occasional accident and night time peeing, we ARE potty trained!
Last night we joined some friends to celebrate the 31st birthday of DT’s Uncle Brian. We ate at Macaroni Grill, where Dane refused cake (weirdo!) and quickly learned where the bathroom was. He hussafussed and hardly ate at all. Sophie and Dane talked and played and hugged a little. It was nice for them to see each other again. Hope to do it again really soon. Happy Birthday, Uncle B!
And sadly, I’ve felt pretty yucky today, and DT has something of a cough, and unbelievable teething-related post-nasal drip that causes him to hack and gag relentlessly. Because of this, you will cut us slack about uploading pictures. And because of this, we missed DT’s cousin Emily’s acting debut in her middle school play. There is an encore presentation tomorrow night that I very much look forward to attending. Congrats on a job well done, Em. And good luck tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Progress Report
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wish Us Luck!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Finally Forward Facing!
Something I was very curious about his opinion of was rear-facing versus forward-facing car seats for toddlers Dane's age. After discussing the statistics and weighing the pros and cons, we came to the decision to finally flip DT's car seat to the forward-facing position. We knew it would be more pleasant for all of us - Dane Thomas would be able to see us, it would be easier to get him in and out of the car, etc. and there was very little surprise to the whole ordeal.
Nonetheless, it was an exciting transition for Mommy. =) Of course, pictures were taken to commemorate the milestone. Here's our prince in his forward facing throne.
Monday, February 15, 2010
TJ's Twelve
Dane's cousin, TJ, lesser known 'round here as Travis James, recently turned 12 years old. 12!... 12!!... Tuh-wuh-elve!!! And so begins what I refer to as "Birthday Season" in the Spicer Family - where they have a birthday a month in their household from January through May. We had a small celebration that included goofing off and cake. Happy birthday, TJ. We love you more than Chuck Norris. =)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'll update later with a couple pictures. Hope this holds all of our Valentines over in the meantime! =)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Tennessee Trip
Well, the snow started soon after we arrived and the ice followed. We weren't able to do too much, since the roads weren't drive-worthy, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway. We have a few more to share, but here are some pictures of our Tennessee trip together.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
On the Lookout!
"Animal Control stopped by (02-04-10) to tell us to keep all small animals and small children in after dusk for the next few weeks. A coyote has been spotted in our neighborhood and they are trying to find it."
Nice. Guess we'll be on the lookout for a while... From inside. =/
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
For the Record
Anyway, Dane's 18 month stats are as follows:
Weight: 23 pounds
Height: 33.5 inches
He is still long and lean, and there is absolutely no cause for worry about his weight gain at this point. I think it helped that the doctor was aware of Daddy's tall, skinny genes! We talked about Dane's growth and development, and he is on par with everything.
When Dane Thomas had to get his shot, I turned the tables on Daniel and made him hold Dane for a change! Dane screamed for about a second, cried for about 10, and then went IMMEDIATELY into making his car sounds. I guess he was trying to tell us he was ready to leave! He was given two suckers (still uneaten in my purse) and two stickers. It was altogether a fantastic appointment and we are blessed that Dane Thomas is doing so well.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Picture of the Week
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
God Gives Me Good Things
THIS week's lesson was GOD GIVES ME FOOD. I thought it was funny that the first week would be food, considering DT's passion for food. He put food shaped stickers on a paper plate. I thought it was sweet and it now hangs in our kitchen, but I wanted to share with you. Maybe Dane could remind YOU that EVERY good gift comes from God. =)
And with Super Double coupons starting at Harris Teeter tomorrow, I am pretty sure we'll find many occasions to explore and explain with Dane how God gives us food.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
18 Months Already
He enjoys the company of his cousins and grandparents. His favorite pastimes include antagonizing the dogs and recently, shredding napkins. His favorite non-toy toys are pots and pans, xbox remotes, the salt shaker, and cell phones. He has peed in the potty a few times, but I am just not sure he gets that it is a good thing, despite my foolish cheering. His favorite books are the lift-the-flap kind, and he gets to watch Curious George every morning. He eats like I am starting to suspect you might believe, because we talk about it so dang much, and if you've seen him put away food once, you don't quickly forget.
We are absolutely smitten with our little man and we could not be more proud of him. He has filled our lives with love and laughter, and truly, there is nothing more we could ask of him. Happy 18 month birthday, Dane Thomas. We love you.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you and yours!