Thursday, November 5, 2009

We're getting into the Christmas spirit early and we're starting it out right. I came across this story from a friend and I thought it was touching. We're participating and I'm posting this in hopes you will too. Read the story and do it now. You have a stamp, a card and five minutes to make a kid's Christmas. Comment once you send your card. =)

Noah Biorkman is a 5 year old boy who is dying of cancer. The doctors are only giving him until Thanksgiving to live. His family is having Christmas early for him (This weekend). He does not want toys because he cannot play with them. His wish is to receive as many Christmas cards as he can. He would like to break the world record. His family would like everyone that can to please send him a Christmas card by next week. Do not send money or gifts, he just wants cards. Just sign your name to the card.

The family would like to thank everyone that helps with their son’s dream.

Noah Biorkman
1141 Fountain View Circle
South Lyon MI 48178

Thanks for your help


HappyMom said...

Hey Jackie- I sent my card & posted it to a note on FB to a bunch of my teacher friends/cousins in sororities/church group friends, etc. My cousin (who works for disney sent hers & posted it in HER FB to a bunch of her Disney friends with the beginning of "Hey Disney People--We make so many dreams come true every day, I thought maybe there were some people out there who wouldn't mind helping out with this one. Imagine how happy it would make this little boy to get a Christmas card from some of US..."
Thanks for the post! We're on it!

Mommy & Dane Thomas said...

WOW! That's great! I figured I could count on YOUR Christmas spirit for sure!!! We sent ours out. It's pretty exciting seeing how it's spreading. I think it should make Noah's Christmas to get all these cards! Way to pass it on =)