After Dane's party, and all of our naps, we headed off to a family friend's house to watch the fireworks. We sat on the lawn amazed by Dane's amazement. Definitely our best Fourth of July so far. Looking forward to next year already!
Sunday, while Daddy got out for a much needed break from the "honey-do"s he'd been taking care of lately, Dane and Mommy played with every toy he received the day before all day. The perfect finale to a perfect weekend. 

Because I fear the pictures will get leaked before POTW, I'll go ahead and share some with you now. What are the odds that Dane won't do something adorable by Friday anyways? =)
I know most babies just smash the cake around, but that little boy put it away! Here's, as GrannyK puts it, the "progression of the cake eating". Enjoy.
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