Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Yep. Dane has his first tooth. He's 8.5 months old and he's been teething for 4 months!!! It's his bottom right tooth, which ironically enough is not the one that has been showing through the gums for weeks now. He still has the other 3 tooth buds on bottom, and nothing going on up top.

You always hear that if you're breastfeeding, "you'll know" when your baby pops his first tooth. But we discovered it today when playing peek-a-dane on the changing table. With a wide-open muppet smile, I notice a little slit on his gums. A curious swipe confirms it's a tooth, and from the feel, it isn't brand new. Jackie still hasn't noticed it when feeding Dane, but she's seen and heard about the horrors of biting.

He gets bigger and bigger everyday and each small thing is so exciting for us. We couldn't be more proud of our son. And if possible, his smile is even cuter now.

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