Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Favorite Things: Teething Tablets

Dane has been teething now for weeks and weeks, but his mouth is still empty. I am pretty sure that teeth are fast on their way. Today was pretty rough on the little guy. A slight fever and major clinginess! We know all the tricks, and are employing the age-appropriate ones. The best help so far have been these little mini-marshmallow looking homeopathic tablets that go under Dane's tongue and dissolve almost instantly. They're called "Hyland's Teething Tablets". I got them behind the counter at Target (because the pharmacy sells them, but not Target) and I paid $5.05 for 125 tablets. They settle Dane down pretty quickly and he takes them just great (although he gets uber-excited to put anything in his mouth). It's a nice alternative to Tylenol, which we treat as a last resort for now. This teething nonsense is a mess and poor little Dane is so uncomfortable. Here's hoping his tooth pops soon and this can all be over with.

Wait. What? This goes on for another 2 years?! Nooooo!

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