Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Tomorrow

The Howards have big plans for eating tomorrow. Two meals. Jealous? We're trekking out to Uncle Brian and Aunt Jeannie's to enjoy a Thanksgiving breakfast. We'll see Sophie, Cindy and Larry, Uncle Marcus and Aunt Trina. Then we're heading out to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Travis' to eat dinner (at lunchtime) with the Spicer cousins, J-Pa, Uncle Jeff, Bobby Pops, Granny K, Great-Grandma, Aunt Linda and Uncle Joe. We Howards have overtaken Jackie's family's Thanksgiving!

We'll probably head out early as we have big plans for the following day as well. Jackie is leaving Dane to play with his daddy as she braves the cold and crowds at the Black Friday sales with her sister. So while the boys are snug in their beds at 4 am, Jackie will be waiting in lines are running through aisles. Hopefully she will be home in time to join Danny and Dane at Uncle Mike and Aunt Joanne's for brunch. And this is the day we start celebrating the Christmas season, so I suspect there may be decorating of some degree. Gotta teach Dane the holiday spirit. Yay!

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