Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It Could Be Worse - No Rain, Too Few Candles

We like to [try to] stay positive in the Howard home. One way we do that is with sayings we use to remind each other that it isn't so bad. The longest running one between Danny and Jackie is "It could be worse - Your house could be on fire or your dog could die". Totally made it up, and I mean, that would be worse. We credit some phone commercial for our latest saying, "No rain, no rainbow". Hmmm. You know, that's true.
In less than one hour, our little baby will have his first birthday. Baby Dane will become Toddler Dane and I have to admit that we can only be so thrilled about this. Which brings me to another saying: "There can never be too many candles on the cake". This, of course, is meant to make people feel better about turning OLD. And so we'll feel better about our little man growing closer to a little man. We rejoice in a year complete with Dane. An entire year of struggles (sleeping through the night, gas issues, naps, gaining weight...) and of accomplishments (first words, crawling, signing, walking...). A year of abundant joy and little pain. We are grateful for the best year of our lives. And grateful for this miracle we call our son.

1 comment:

Gramps said...

A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Gramps' little buddy, see you Saturday