Dane's latest craze is putting things away. Once we play with books or blocks, we tell Dane it's time to clean up and put things back. He used to have no interest, but lately our praise is his top priority. So he listens. This also works when he grabs things from the cabinets, shoe racks, closets. We are liking his obedience in this respect, but wonder if he could be taking the act of "put it back" too far.
Today, we get home from a long day in the car and Dane goes off to his rec room. After a short while, Dane brings me the dog bowl from the dining room. I tell him "No sir, put it back". Away he goes and I return to the task at hand. The next thing I hear is Dane picking up dog food. Or was he putting it down? My curiosity won and I decided to go peek in rather than call for him. I watch for a while in sheer entertainment as Dane Thomas picks up dog food from Dingo's bowl, and walks it across the room and puts it into Blue's bowl. Repeat, repeat, repeat until Blue has all the food. Only then does he notice his curious spectator. He flashes a confident smile at his mommy...
And begins his mission to return the food to Dingo's bowl.