This weekend was another 3 day one in our house. On Friday, we took Dane to the zoo for the first time. I know you saw a bit about that in the last post, so we won't bore you with more camera complaints. We went to the Riverbanks Zoo, and we highly recommend this zoo over others in the area. There were many animals and no displays were closed. The place is clean and big. We bought an Icee cup for $8 and got free refills for the day (a deal in this age!). Parking was free, admission was $9.75 for each adult and Dane was free. There were ramps all over for strollers or wheel-chairs. The diaper bag and Dane's sippy were allowed in. The walks were paved nicely and the foliage was beautiful. The little statues set up in front of each animal section were lots of fun for Dane to play with. He had a such a great time seeing all the animals. He would wave really big, maybe trying to get them to wave back. He wasn't afraid of any of them, despite the fact that many of them were hundreds of times his size and could eat him.
Yes, the camera went out, but all that Dan or Jackie made out of that was that we would just have to come back. The camera was fixed before we left the zoo. We were finishing up as the place was starting to close and the camera begins taking pictures again. Mommy's Law.
Friday night we met with some family to celebrate the birthday of Dane's Uncle Jeff. We had dinner and cake and fun. Happy birthday, Jeff!
Saturday, Dane went to spend some time with GrannyK and Gramps, so that Danny and Jackie could spend some Daneless time together. About a month ago we dropped Dane off for his first overnighter and Jackie thought "I don't know if I'm ready for this!". This time we dropped Dane off for his second overnighter and Jackie thought "Oh my gosh, I am so overdue for this!". We went to dinner and came home to an empty house and a movie rental. We didn't sleep in out of habit of having to be up, but maybe when Dane's in high school...
Lots of outside playing, grilling, errands. Aside from the highlights, it was a typical pleasant weekend.