Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's Dane Up To?

Well, time is flying here on our end and it seems that there is too much to post, so we'll combine all the updates into one post. This should catch you up.

What's Dane Up To?
  • He claps. I know you've seen the video, but he does this all the time. It's how he tells us "more", how he greets Daddy when he comes home, and how he entertains himself on the changing table. The excitement hasn't worn off for any of us yet.
  • He waves. So flippin' cute. He'll wave hello, bye, and goodnight. He'll wave to the dogs, toys and the mirror. He also does it when he wants to eat.
  • He's off the pacifier. He only ever took it at night, and half the time we really pushed it on him. We just stopped popping it in his mouth a couple months ago, and he hasn't missed it since.
  • He's getting close to walking. He pushes his toy walker around all day, he cruises nonstop and he can stand alone for a short while. It won't be next week, but it'll be before we know it!
  • He's sleeping through the night. I don't think we ever posted to say, but he has been doing this for some time now. He sometimes gets up after 6am to eat, but always goes back down until 8ish.
  • He's almost 17 lbs. That's still ridiculously skinny (not even 50% for 6 month olds), but if you know the trouble we've had getting weight on him, you know we're excited. We're getting ready to switch to size 3 diapers soon.
  • He's switching to a big boy car seat. Still facing rear for quite a while more, but it's more roomy and comfortable. Watch for a post on this.
  • He's a mama machine! If you've seen him or called us lately, you have certainly heard "mamamamamamamamamamamamamama". It's what we hear all day. And you know what? It has yet to get old.
  • He loooves the dogs. He has always enjoyed watching them, but he *tries to* share his food with them, *tries to* pet them, and *tries to* make them share with him. Yep, he's finally managed to get a piece of dog food in his mouth. He didn't even seem to not like it. He also goes for their treats. They are amazing with him, so they let him steal their "good boy/good girl" as often as he tries. While he shows interest in all dogs, he has a distinct preference for Blue.
  • He's cutting another tooth. They're coming in on an odd schedule. This first top one will only be #3, but if it's like last time another may be soon to follow.

That's some of the tidbits you might have missed out on. You might expect more of these multi-posts in the future as every day is something new. Dane is such a wonderful baby and we couldn't ask for anything more.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Audio Fixation

For her 13th birthday, Jackie's dad bought her a top of the line stereo. Jackie just turned 25 and we still use and love it today. Unfortunately, Dane has found a love for it as well. I almost put this as a favorite thing but it felt, in an admittedly odd way, like encouraging his need to touch the stereo. Every day he makes his way over, pushes buttons, watches the blinking lights come on and flinches when the loud music starts. Every day. Multiple times a day.It is cute, so I'm glad I got a picture of it... but we hope the luster wears off soon.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

Our weekend was fantastic. We had our walk for March of Dimes on Saturday, where we marched along with more than 7500 walkers, committed to see all babies be born healthy. Dane was an absolute angel, napping and enjoying the long walk in the fresh air. After the 3.5 mile walk, center city broke out into a party. There were refreshments, children's cartoon celebrities, and dancing in the streets. Dane was offered (and quickly rejected) a frozen treat. Hmmm... Did someone tell him it was 100% fruit?...And on Sunday we played hooky from church and spent the majority of daylight at Nana and Papaw's. We had a nice supper with them, Uncle Marcus and Aunt Trina, Heather, Uncle Brian, Aunt Jeannie and Sophie. We brought toys expecting that Dane and Sophie would play, and play they did! They are so stinkin' cute together, but sooo mobile! I believe they sufficiently blew off steam and once home, Dane went straight to bed and slept perfectly through the night. We dumdums didn't think to take pictures of them playing but if Heather would graciously send pics our way, we would post them. For now, these horse pictures of the babes will have to settle your photo-fix. Yes, the horses are Nana's, whose house has become something of a petting zoo. =)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Picture of the Week

We thank everyone who participated in Dane's very first fundraiser :) and we are pleased at the success. Your real (and real special) thank yous will be in the mail soon. We're strapping on our walking shoes and hitting the streets tomorrow for our 3.5 mile walk/stroll and we're pretty excited to be getting Dane involved in such a great cause."We're walking how far?!"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spotlight On: Cloth Diapers

In celebration of Earth Day!
We cloth diaper Dane. Not while we're out so much, but while we are home anyway. It was something we looked into when we were pregnant and it had so much appeal for a variety of reasons: saves money, less waste in the landfills (the average baby goes through 3500 dipes before potty training!), fewer diaper rashes, and what may have been the cincher - cloth diaper babies typically potty train 1/2 - 1 year earlier than those in disposables. We have had fewer leaks in cloth and they hold up so much better at night. It has definitely paid off for us, and it's so nice not ever having to run out in the middle of the night because we're out of diapers. And because we use cloth wipes as well, Dane is now 10 months old and we have not yet used all of the baby wipes we received at our baby shower! Cloth diapers have come a long way since your grandma used them and they're not the hassle you think. It's definitely worth it to preserve our planet for our little boy and we're proud to be doing our part for a greener world.

Here's a few pics of Dane's fluffy bum over the months.

Dane at three weeks old in a prefold. Look, no pins!

Dane around 4 months old in a Mommy made monkey print fitted diaper.

A couple of Dane in the elite BumGenius 3.0. These are top-of-the-line pocket diapers that come with inserts so you can stuff it to the absorbency you need. Velcro tabs make them as easy to use as disposables. And so much cuter!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Goodnight Sweetheart

When Jackie was little and it was time for bed, her parents and Pop Pop would unanimously begin singing an all too familiar tune. "Ba-da-da-da-da. Goodnight Sweetheart. Well, it's time to go... I hate to leave you but I really must say 'Goodnight Sweetheart, Goodnight.'"

Sometimes when they've together had a rough day, or either one in particular, Jackie will dance Dane around the room slowly before bed and softly serenade him with this soothing oldie. As she did this tonight, she drifted off into dream herself. As she held him close, she thought about all that she had been through with him; all that he had been through. She thought about dancing with him when he got big enough to lead. And then ultimately, she thought about who would lead when they were to dance together at his wedding. Every mom wishes that someday her son be married happily (although it may be painful to relinquish title of the woman in his life). She cried thinking about all that they will go through together between now and Dane's wedding day. Boo boos, bad grades, back talk, broken hearts. And she thought about how she would cry dancing with her son at his reception. She thought about how only she would know what Dane was whispering in her ear as the world watched on. "I hate to leave you but I really must say, Goodnight Mom, Goodnight".

She thought about how she loved him. And then, how she'd love him to go to sleep.

Goodnight Sweetheart.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Picture of the Week

Dane learned a new trick this week and we are so proud of him.
Warning: Mommy gets loud so turn the volume D-O-W-N!

The Clapper

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ten Days Left!

Only 10 days until we hit the streets and walk for March of Dimes. We were able to reach our goal of $300 and thank everyone who contributed. And to those of you who did not, there's still time! PLEASE consider giving to this worthy cause. There are no gold circle givers; every little bit helps. Your contribution of $20, $10, $howevermuchyoucangive WILL be put to use to help tiny babies survive and thrive.

Click on our personal MoD page through the following link (or through the counter on the left of this blog) and give through Paypal or by debit/credit card. You could also give us cash or a check. Don't wait. Do it now!

Thanks in advance for your support.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Favorite Things: Cardboard Tube

It always cracks everyone up to see how kids' favorite toys are not toys at all. Just before Christmas we ordered something that was delivered in a thick, sturdy cardboard tube. Dane got a hold of it and it became an instant sensation in our home. We roll balls through it, play peek-a-boo through it, use it as a megaphone, roll it around, drum on it, and so on and so on. It has found it's place in Dane's toy box and finds it's way out daily. Here's a little video of Dane and his cardboard tube. Sorry it's so dark. =(

Monday, April 13, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

What a weekend on our end! We tried to take it easy Friday, knowing the madness the rest of the rest of the weekend promised. Saturday we ran errands and went to Cole's 2nd birthday party. It was pretty much how you would imagine celebrating a nephew's second birthday. We're glad to be out of the Spicer kid's "birthday season" (January - April a kid a month has a birthday (Emily is the oddball, born way in September)). Sunday afternoon we spent at Brian, Jeannie's to celebrate Easter and Sophie's first birthday. She got a slew of terrific gifts but her spirits were a little dampened by the seemingly nonstop buckets of sickness pouring from her. We all enjoyed the festivities and Dane was a champ for having had such an exhausting day. We discovered how severe his little baby seasonal allergies can be and he was a dripping mess. It was great to spend time with Brian, Jeannie, her parents, Sophie, Cindy, Larry, Marcus, Trina, Mike, Joanne, and Heather among a few other guests of Sophie's.
The highlight indeed was church. Sunday morning we resisted the urge to sleep in and hurriedly got ready for the 10 o'clock Easter service (one of 10 services!) at Elevation. We had to sit in the overflow section because the auditorium was full. We worshipped with 7800 of our closest friends and family and we rejoice that 740 lives were given to the Lord. Hallelujah! The sermon is up to view online already, so if you didn't catch it check it out.

Hope you got your card. Happy Easter to you and yours.

"Sho 'nuff He is risen."

Friday, April 10, 2009

Picture of the Week

Looking forward to Dane's first Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two Birthdays in One Post

This is going to be a big weekend for us. In two days we'll have to make it to 2 birthday parties, Easter celebrations and church. Dane is sure to be exhausted. In case you're curious, he'll be partying with:

Cole - Cole is 2 years old on the 10th. He's finally talking more and crying less. Cole wouldn't look at Dane when he was born and Cole's parents were hit hard with ugly looks if they dared to hold him. Now, Cole is Dane's biggest fan. He shares, talks, and plays with him and tries his very best to protect him. He doesn't get that Dane is getting bigger and is able to do more. Cole follows him around with arms outstretched in case Dane falls. When Dane cruises on things, Cole chimes his "Uh-Oh" alarm and glances from Dane to the closest adult, sure that something needs to be done. Dane thinks of Cole as nothing more than a nuisance right now, but some day he'll be lucky to have such a loving cousin.

Sophie - Sophie is going to be a whole year old on the 11th and she is definitely a big girl! You might experience some sort of gravity jet lag when you go from holding her to Dane, as Sophie now weighs quite a bit more than he. She is only a few months older, so it's always fun to see them together, especially now that they have become very sociable with other little ones. She is a pretty mellow baby like Dane is (at least that's what we see!) and just as curious. Even though (or maybe especially because) Dane is so close in age to Sophie, it is nearly unbelievable to us that she is going to be a year old.

We're wishing very happy birthdays to Cole and Sophie and many more to come for the both of them. We love you guys!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lesson from a Vet

First one.

When you announce you will be expecting a child, people come out of the woodwork with all kinds of advice solicited and otherwise. Some is given lovingly by family who care about you, some is given by store clerks and passerby strangers. Some is helpful, some is not.

Here's an actual lesson from an actual veteran parent. The lesson is OxiClean and the vet-mom is Jennifer. We've used OxiClean before; our excitement nearly matched Billy Mayes' when the stuff came out, and we used it on shoes especially (hey, that's what's really important when you're in high school, you know?). Now to this day we have bought Dane fewer than 10 articles of clothing because he "inherited" an extensive wardrobe from his cousin. We kid you not when we say that not a single garment had the slightest stain. Jackie commented on this when we got the clothes, and Jen said she used Oxiclean. In one ear and out the other.

But Dane has this amazing capability of creating a mess out of nothing. Plus he's eating solids, and we use the term eating liberally for the act of mashing food into his face, and bib, and clothes. And with him getting around so much more now - crawling and cruising, the potential for accidents, spills and messes is immeasurable. It was pretty embarrassing that these clothes had been through one kid and came out in perfect condition, but the first time Dane donned an outfit it was ruined. I remembered the OxiClean tip after looking at our growing pile of damaged clothes, and quickly ran out to buy some. It's pretty reasonable at $10 for a tub that will surely last a while. A scoop in the washer and a quick soak (still on cold wash - better for the wallet, better for the environment) and wash as normal. Aaaaand we are once again stain free! And very happily putting away perfect clothes to be passed down when we brave another baby.

Rather painless lesson learned. Thanks Jen!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend Dane had his first taste of ice cream. The most sweets he's ever had has been one Nilla Wafer, so this was exciting for us all. I think we would have held out a little longer if it wasn't for all the peer pressure Gramps was throwing at us. ;)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Picture of the Week

Dane's baths progressed from sponge baths (first couple of weeks of life) to infant tub with sling to infant tub without sling to bath tub with one of us in with him to bath tub with us outside the tub. And for a long while we have been sitting on a stool next to the tub giving Dane a bath in the tub. This has worked pretty well. But Dane is so stinkin' mobile these days that he goes for drain stopper, the faucet, the side and anything else he can get to. He actually crawls around in the tub. It's adorable, but difficult to control from outside.
SO we pulled out this inflatable tub we had used for baby showers in the past. This uses less water, is fun for Dane, and gives us more control of the space he controls. This is his first time in the duck.

Before you know it, he'll be taking showers!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nine Months of Nicknames

Dane, today, is 9 months old. Since we're having a hard time coming to grips with our little baby turning into a full-on adult man (*sob*), we're going to skirt the issue of how completely grown-up he is and talk about the past nine months in a different way. Maybe after some therapy we can post about our experiences and takeaways.

For now, we'll talk about all the names we've used to address or refer to Dane. Nine months isn't that long (and this has got to be the fastest nine months has ever been!). In this short blink-of-an-eye-life of Dane's, we have called him many things. We call him "Dane Thomas", his full name, more often than we call him "Dane" or anything else. Here's some of the common nicknames Dane goes by in our home.
  • Frankenstein
  • Booger - in all of it's forms: Boogie, Boog, Boogs
  • Mister Mister
  • Mr. Hussafuss
  • Monkeyfeet
  • Stinky
  • Mommy's Dane Tommy
  • Little D
  • Babyfriend - to the dogs

So, sort of a weird way to measure time; in nicknames. The past nine months has been the best of our lives and we relish the fact that we get to spend the rest of our lives calling ourselves parents to this amazing little boy. Happy 3/4 birthday, Dane Thomas.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First Teething Biscuit

Dane just had his very first teething biscuit. Jackie found a simple recipe and decided to try it. All that's in them is flour, apple sauce and maple syrup. They hold up really well and the shape (cut with an inverted cup and a bottle cap) makes them super-easy to hold. Dane seems to like them and they smell like graham crackers. We put him in his chair, gave him a biscuit and let him have at it.

Thanks, Mom!