Have you met our little niece Katie? She turns 7 today! Danny and Jackie had recently started dating when she was born. She was a phenomenal flower girl in our wedding when she was 3. And now she's 7! Here's a little something to let her (and you) know how special we think she is.
7 Reasons We Love Katie
- She's fun! - Katie is up for anything. She's the first to participate in our made-up games of "what else could this be?" and "jump when the elevator door closes". She's the loudest to sing and the last to stop laughing. Her head is full of dreams and imagination and she puts them to use adding color to life. The world is happier with her in it.
- She's got a BIG heart - It wasn't long ago that the fact Danny was saving up for a computer something made its was into a conversation we were having. Upon hearing of this, Katie swiftly offered her savings (of tens of dollars) to Uncle Danny. It was a sincere and quick response for her. He was in need and she was in a place to help.
- She loves Dane - It's a long running joke that Jackie and her sister go back and forth staking claim to the cuter baby. Jen's whole team of kids join her side. Recently however, Katie swore us to the most urgent secrecy that she thought Dane was in fact cuter than her brother Cole. We'll never tell. When she isn't stating her love for Dane aloud, she's doing so by kissing him. She's loved him since he was Frankenstein.
- She's a reader - Jackie asked Katie about a book she saw she was reading. No fine detail was missing from Katie's unabridged account of the book. After lengthy summaries and explanations of why this was funny or that was happy; after she had finished telling exactly everything about the book, she decidedly says "Okay, I'll read it to you.". And without Jackie even asking... (The book was called Pinkalicious, and if you want to know ALL about it, ask Katie how it is).
- She loves God - You couldn't volunteer faster than Katie to say grace for a family meal. She prays for the kid on the bus who teases her. She does what she should do because it is what God would want of her. She knows, very much so, who God is, how he loves her and why she should love Him.
- She marches to he own beat - to march to another drummer is an understatement, as Katie does not follow anyone. She totally rocks her pink cowgirl boots and overly-bedazzled Christmas sweater. She doesn't care about what you think is good/cool/"fashion". She knows what she likes and that's all there is to it.
- In three words, we think she's "Pitty kew, huh?".
Happy Birthday, Kit-Kat. We love you!