Uncle Dingo and Aunt Blueberry love their "baby-friend". They kiss, they protect, they check. Blue gets in our faces if Dane cries, in her opinion, longer than necessary to convey his message. Whenever at all possible, she'll cuddle up to him. Dingo assists us in tucking Dane in at night. If the door is open during naptime Dingo sleeps on the floor next to the crib. And when we come home with the carseat in hand, they always check it right away to make sure Dane is in there and intact. I believe we're passing their critiques.
We worked diligently to prepare our dogs for the arrival of what we feared they would view as their rival. We heard many warnings from concerned advisers that the dogs would be jealous of Dane. We told the dogs often that the room we were making up was for the "baby-friend". We let them smell the baby products regularly. And when Dane was born, Danny brought them each a hospital blanket that Dane had been wrapped in to smell/eat/bury/shred/whatever. They still occasionally snuggle with them. We are surprised at just how well the dogs have taken to Dane and also Dane's interest in them. I guess we're all lucky.
There you go. Took all of 3 posts for the dogs to make Dane's page.